Every one will say getting up early is a good habit, but no one of them say the practical reasons why we should wake up early?
What makes the big difference in our life of getting up early?
Well, now i would like to tell you the benefits or Reasons of getting up early in the Morning....
These Reasons not only make you get benefited but also they will help you to enjoy getting up early,
(1) Greet Yourself: At first you have to greet yourself, so many of them say, you have to great your elders, parents, god, etc., but according to me you have to great yourself.
Everyday after getting up from the bed, i directly go near the mirror and i will stand in front of it and then with the smiling face i will say, "Good morning Satish, you are going to have a great day, just be ready to rock the day……………”
Then i become active, my drowsy nature will be disappeared.
In this way i will start my day in a fresh Energetic way.
Then it’s a good habit to greet your family members with a smiling face!!!
(2) Amazing start: I used to start my day by jumping out of bed, late as usual, and rushing to get myself and come to college late. I would walk into college, looking rumpled and barely awake, grumpy and behind everyone else. Not a great start to your day. Now, I have a renewing morning ritual, I’ve gotten so much done before 8 a.m.,
Now i am more active and complete my work faster than others.
(3) Go with the nature and Enjoy Sunrise: People who wake late miss one of the greatest feats of nature, repeated in full stereo vision each and every day — the rise of the sun.
I love how the day slowly gets brighter, when the midnight blue turns to lighter blue, when the brilliant colors start to seep into the sky, when nature is painted in incredible colors.
I like doing my early morning run during this time, and I look up at the sky as I run and say to the world, “What a glorious day!” Really. I really do that.
and it is the best thing to enjoy the beauty of nature, which makes us feel happy, fresh and peace to our soul.
It can also be Romantic, if you walk with your Sweet Heart!!!!!

(4) Meditate, Exercise or do Yoga: You can have any of these, which will make you fit.
Do I really need to comment on this reason? Body is the only thing you have in your control in this universe. So exercise at home, go jogging or go to gym (they open early), practice yoga training... The earlier you wake up, the more calories you can burn over the day and the better you will feel.
There are other times to exercise besides the early morning, of course, but I’ve found that while exercising right after work is also very enjoyable, it’s also liable to be canceled because of other things that come up. Morning exercise is virtually never canceled.
Meditation induces well-being and emotional balance. If you start your day with meditation you will carry that balance through the day, improving your life. Morning is a better time for meditation because you are fresh, your brain is relaxed and mind is much sharper.
(5) Calm and Quiet: No kids yelling, no babies crying, no soccer balls, no cars, no television noise. The early morning hours are so peaceful, so quiet. It’s my favorite time of day. I truly enjoy that time of peace, that time to myself, when I can think, when I can read, when I can breathe.
(6) Work on yourself: Early morning is an excellent time for personal development. How many times you complained you don't have time to read that self-improvement book, learn new language or try new idea? Get up early and work on it in the morning! Quiet morning time is a god sent gift which you should use for growing yourself - professionally, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
(7) Increase your productivity: Mornings, for me at least, are the most productive time of day. I like to do some writing in the morning, when there are no distractions, before I check my email or blog stats. I get so much more done by starting on my work in the morning. Then, when evening rolls around, I have no work that I need to do, and I can spend it with family.
(8) Use morning time for thinking and Goal Setting: The quiet of the morning is often the time when your mind is at its clearest and most well-suited to solving important problems.
Got goals? Well, you should. And there’s no better time to review them and plan for them and do your goal tasks than first thing. You should have one goal that you want to accomplish this week. And every morning, you should decide what one thing you can do today to move yourself further towards that goal. And then, if possible, do that first thing in the morning.
(9) Beat the traffic: If you spend too much time commuting to and from work every day, you can actually save time if you wake up and drive to work earlier. Even if you work fixed hours, by arriving to work earlier you can spend the extra time you've got on things listed above - reading, exercising, planning, and so on. It's free time for you, which otherwise you would waste in traffic jams.
(10) Do something for others: We all love surprises and you can spend this morning time preparing surprises for other people or just doing something for them. Try to live this extra morning hour for others, not for yourself. Remember, what is given freely with the best of intentions will return in abundance to the giver.
These are some of the benefits which you will get when you wake up early in the morning.
Just Start your day, With the activity you like most, like listening music and doing any work, enjoying the beauty of nature, meditation, Gardening, or any of your hobby…which makes you to enjoy getting up early and regularly change the activities, of which you will not get bored.
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